First, the geometry of the glass surface was created by extruding a regular 100-gon upward (in the positive z direction) three times, scaling the utmost iteration down to .98 original size to achieve the angled bevel effect, and then scaling and rotating two pseudorandomly selected sets of diametrically opposed points with quadratically proportional fall-off to achieve meta-symmetrical curvature. I was then confronted a problem: the faces composing the top and bottom of the glass plate were non-manifold and overlapping because I had changed the geometry from a convex to a concave hull polytope (i.e. straight lines from points along the edges were designed to converge on a central point in the original geometry of the regular n-gon but ended up intersecting each other when the edges were no longer regular) and I had to retopify (a neologism for recalculating topography) from tris to quads.
Second, the base was created by type-casting a Bézier curve to the mesh object type and solidifying the mesh using multi-resolution editing and Catmull-Clark surface subdivision to achieve the desired shape.
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